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本文以可持续发展为视角,阐述了可持续发展视角下全民健身服务体系内涵。利用文献资料法、实地考察法及专家访谈法,对可持续发展视角下全民健身服务体系发展现状进行了简单分析。进一步探究了可持续发展视角下全民健身服务体系建设路径,以期为可持续发展视角下全民健身服务体系建设提供有效的借鉴。  相似文献   
Incorporating metacognitive strategies in the classroom helps students monitor and adjust their learning strategies throughout the semester, and helps students progress from novice to expert learners in a subject. Journaling (i.e., reflective writing) is one metacognitive task that allows students to contemplate and articulate their skill development as they learn a new subject. The research reported here examines the use of ‘blogs’ (i.e., online journals) in an upper level undergraduate human anatomy course. The blogs both facilitated development of students' metacognitive skills and provided researchers insight into student metacognitive process. Data were examined from 92 students from three successive semesters (spring 2010, 2012 and 2014). Each student reviewed 10 radiology online cases throughout the semester and then reflected on their understanding of anatomy and radiology in an online blog for each case. A total of 927 blogs were examined for this research. The researchers used a grounded theory approach to analyze the blog narratives and develop a codebook based on common themes. The 927 blogs yielded 11,082 statements that were coded with the codebook. As the semester progressed, the blog entries showed that students demonstrated greater self-confidence in their abilities to understand the subject matter, expressed greater enthusiasm for anatomy in general, and they improved their metacognitive skills. This research illustrates that reflective writing in an undergraduate anatomy course not only facilitates improvement in student metacognitive skills, but also provides the instructor with evidence how a student progresses from novice to more experienced learner in anatomy.  相似文献   
顶岗实习是实现高职人才培养目标的重要途径。鉴于当前高职顶岗实习中学校、学生及教师各层面都存在的问题,重新设计了顶岗实习的流程体系,通过校、企、师、生、家五方联动,构建了五途径保障实习岗位、两维度驱动实习成效、四层次规范实习管理、三主体强化实习评价的“五二四三”顶岗实习模式,实现学生、企业、教师、家长、导师和学校的六方共赢。  相似文献   
为进一步实现CUBA与CBA联赛新时期改革计划,疏通我国篮球后备人才战略培养路径,以“新时期”CUBA与CBA的人才衔接与培育为研究对象,运用文献资料、录像观察、数理统计等方法,对CBA联赛选秀球员进行综合分析。研究结果表明:1)存在问题包括组织机构衔接不畅、选秀球员竞技水平不精、人才培养观契合度不高及俱乐部注意程度不足4个方面。2)改善路径包括逐渐推进多元主体衔接度及流畅性、全面优化高校球员竞技能力及水平、消除人才培养僵化及保守化、扎实提升俱乐部关注程度及积极性。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]构建高校图书馆参与公共文化服务体系影响因素模型,为高校图书馆公共文化服务发展提供理论和实践参考。[方法/过程]通过对10所高校26位采访对象的深度访谈,采用扎根理论方法,探索性研究高校图书馆参与公共文化服务体系影响因素,并构建其扎根理论模型。[结果/结论]高校图书馆参与公共文化服务体系影响因素主要包括4个主范畴:高校及其图书馆归因、政府机构归因、公众用户归因、其他归因。其中高校及其图书馆归因是主导性因素,政府机构归因是保障性因素,公众用户归因是驱动性因素,其他归因是制约性因素。在此基础上,提出高校图书馆深度参与公共文化服务体系策略。  相似文献   
Recent advances have enabled diagnostic classification models (DCMs) to accommodate longitudinal data. These longitudinal DCMs were developed to study how examinees change, or transition, between different attribute mastery statuses over time. This study examines using longitudinal DCMs as an approach to assessing growth and serves three purposes: (1) to define and evaluate two reliability measures to be used in the application of longitudinal DCMs; (2) through simulation, demonstrate that longitudinal DCM growth estimates have increased reliability compared to longitudinal item response theory models; and (3) through an empirical analysis, illustrate the practical and interpretive benefits of longitudinal DCMs. A discussion describes how longitudinal DCMs can be used as practical and reliable psychometric models when categorical and criterion‐referenced interpretations of growth are desired.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]为增强弱信号的内涵研究,对其全生命周期过程下的各阶段要素以及要素间的联系进行探寻,以期获得一定程度上的理论贡献,同时也为相关组织在开展弱信号管理实践时提供理论指导。[方法/过程]在对弱信号概念研究现状进行梳理的基础上,结合意义构建理论给出了弱信号概念界定。随后,通过与信息生命周期、新兴议题生命周期进行类比,提出弱信号生命周期理念。进而采用系统动态学方法开展系统思考,使用因果回路图进行系统建模,运用存量流量图进行仿真模拟。[结果/结论]弱信号生命周期包含4个阶段:侦测、关联、传递、抉择,相应的系统动态学模型所具备的现实性得到验证,且通过情景模拟确认了4个关键辅助变量:外界噪声干扰程度、弱信号分析效率、组织内相互信任程度、决策者信任程度。在整体研究的基础上,给出弱信号管理过程中可能会遇到的障碍以及应对策略。  相似文献   
为提升船舶能耗和排放估测的准确性和灵活性,提出面向船舶自动识别系统(automatic identification system, AIS)大数据的完全自下而上的船舶能耗和排放估测新方法。该方法视船舶为一种基于船舶航迹的线排放源,在构建船舶网格化轨迹模型的基础上,考虑每个网格航段的持续时间和发动机负载,实现船舶能耗和排放的精细化建模,统一船舶排放总量和空间分布计算。实船应用表明,该方法可提供更加准确的船舶能耗估计,并可灵活计算各种航行状态、船队规模和时空尺度的能耗和排放清单。  相似文献   
使用“传播的游戏理论”,对新浪微博俄罗斯世界杯传播效果进行分析,并对新媒体用户的需求进行探讨。研究认为,世界杯传播是一场盈余时代的足球“游戏”,满足用户对愉悦、趣味的需求和对游戏的需求是新媒体未来发展的一种趋势;新浪微博俄罗斯世界杯期间,体现主观、个性的“选择性会聚”让用户在“游戏”过程中促进了“自我”的发展;只为享受足球魅力的非功利性传播为用户提供了一个宽松的“游戏”环境;利用微博话题、短视频、直播等新媒体技术传播乐趣,用户从“游戏”中收获了愉悦。对于传播效果的研究立足受众的个性特征和主观心态,注重体现个体主观能动意识,对把握未来新媒体传播发展和趋势具有启示意义。  相似文献   
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